Are you putting off doing something that needs to be done?

Most of us have!  I am just as guilty!  In this blog you will learn how to uncover the belief(s) you may have that is/are causing procrastination.    Once you realize how to uncover those beliefs, you can learn to release them from your body.

Procrastination is defined by Wikipedia as the avoidance of doing a task which needs to be accomplished. It is the practice of doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, or carrying out less urgent tasks instead of more urgent ones, thus putting off impending tasks to a later time.

So what makes us procrastinate?

It could be fear of failure or success.  It could be a sense of comfort in the familiar and/or  a sense of discomfort in the unfamiliar?   It could be that it has become a pattern/habit?

As you are aware habits can be considered good and bad!   The habit of exercising regularly is considered a good habit, while the habit of smoking is consider a bad habit.  Perhaps procrastination has become a habit.  Perhaps it has become a way of being.

Here are 4 questions to ask:

 1. What is/are  the underlying belief(s) that I have when I procrastinate?

2.  Can I identify this belief with fear?

 3. Can I identify this belief  with any other  thoughts related to  getting out of my “comfort zone”?

4.    Where is it in my body that I “feel” a sense of discomfort when I am procrastinating?

It’s when we can recognize the feeling(s) attached to the act of procrastination–and the thoughts we are experiencing that we can begin to unravel the reason(s) behind our procrastination.   Feelings get attached to our bodies and even into our cells.  Our cells are made of various substances including chemicals.  These chemical control our moods.  This means that are bodies then become “attached” or “addicted”  to the chemicals that our bodies produce–and YES, our bodies produce chemicals–even related to “procrastination”. ( Source: Science of Procrastination)

What does this mean in terms of change?  Recent work of Dr. Joe Dispenza shows that our beliefs, our thoughts and our feelings are all a part of our experiences and how we are in the world .   (Source: )   When we then attempt to change a “habit” and in this case “procrastination” our body chemicals want to “keep things the same”….so for a time our cells–want to responds in the “comfort zone” of what has always been.  This is why habits are sometimes so difficult to change.  Dr. Joe Dispenza describes it as “it is if the body has become the brain”.

Whatever the reason(s), beliefs and feelings are -there is hope that we can change!   Change however will require us to “get out mind out of our body”.   Yes, this sounds strange!  The research done by Dr. Joe Dispenza has shown that our beliefs, thoughts and feelings become held in our bodies!

So where does one begin to change the habit of procrastination?

Here are  4 steps to begin this process of changing the habit of procrastination:

1. Awareness is the first step: being aware of what we are thinking and feeling.   Being aware of the thoughts that are supporting the habit of procrastination.  Start by writing down the thoughts you have when you find yourself procrastinating.

  2.  Then move on to identifying the feelings that  you have -where do you feel angst or tension in your body!

3. Then it becomes important to “change” how our body feels when we are about to step into “procrastination”.

4.  Next it is important to change the energy within out body in order to change and interrupt the  chemical process.  Whenever you feel the feeling of “procrastination” or you find yourself “procrastinating”-intentionally change your energy!  Get up move around-even dance!   Increase your energy!   Then move back into the task with renewed energy!

What if I find myself continuing to procrastinate?

If you have taken the time to uncover the feeling you are experiencing and bring that feeling up to your level and awareness–and you have changed your energy–and still have the habit; then it’s time to consider getting some assistance from a coach or mentor to help you!