25 11, 2015

Prayer-I’m not really sure what I need, how to get started, or where this fits in my life.

2016-10-28T11:15:33-06:00|0 Comments

That’s completely understandable. If you are only recently exploring New Thought and the role it can play in your life and you have not found the answers you need Sharon would be pleased to provide some guidance. Send  her an email with your questions or concerns and She will respond with some suggestions and recommendations. [...]

25 11, 2015

What else can you tell me about Spiritual Guidance Practitioners?

2019-09-03T10:34:03-06:00|0 Comments

Spiritual Guidance Practitioners are bound by a high code of ethics which includes: privacy, confidentiality and dedication to a life of spiritual service. They seek to demonstrate the power of spiritual realization in everyday affairs and  believe in Divine Guidance. Please note: Practitioners are bound to legal reporting of certain situations such as elder abuse, [...]

25 11, 2015

What is Affirmative Prayer?

2024-08-31T12:34:29-06:00|0 Comments

Affirmative Prayer is scientific in nature because it is based on a Spiritual Law that states what a person truly believes in their conscious and subconscious minds (not what they wish for or imagine) is what is made manifest in their daily lives. These conditions can be good or bad in nature, which is insignificant [...]

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