Spiritual Guidance

14 09, 2018

Wisdom and Guidance Part Two

2024-08-31T12:34:13-06:00Elevating Consciousness, Life Coaching, Spiritual Guidance|0 Comments

Wisdom and Guidance Part Two In my last blog and Wisdom Notes I talked about how people are asking for support/help and advice.    (https://www.sharonshores.com/wisdomand-guidance/ )  At the end of the article I talked about guidelines for supporting/helping/giving advice to others. Here are 10 guidelines:  (Note there may be more-feel free to share more; send to [...]

20 08, 2018

People Are Asking for Wisdom & Guidance-Perhaps YOUR wisdom & guidance!

2024-08-31T12:34:14-06:00Elevating Consciousness, Intuition, Metaphysical Musings, Spiritual Guidance|0 Comments

People Are Asking for Wisdom and Guidance-Perhaps YOUR wisdom and guidance!  Raise the Energy and the Vibration of Love!  Part One People are crying out for help! People need support, guidance and love!  Many people are struggling and do not have answers.   Suicide rates are climbing higher than they have been before. (https://www.businessinsider.com/suicide-rates-climbing-higher-in-the-us-especially-in-middle-age-2018-6)     People are [...]

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